Two mischievous adolescent boys embark on a journey of imaginative misadventures and self-discovery as they come of age, celebrating the need to embrace the innocence, impulsiveness, and irrepressibility of youth.
Year: 2018
Format: fiction feature
Genre: adventure, comedy, drama
Director: Olmo Omerzu
Writer: Petr Pýcha
Director of photography: Lukáš Milota
Cast: Tomáš Mrvík, Jan František Uher, Eliška Křenková
Producer: Endorfilm (CZ)
Co-producers: Punkhart Films (SK), Cvinger Film (SI), Koskino (PL), DI Factory (PL)
Co-financing: Polish Film Institute
Polish distributor: Koskino
International sales: Cercamon
Language: Czech
Length: 1h 25m
Two mischievous adolescent boys embark on a journey of imaginative misadventures and self-discovery as they come of age, celebrating the need to embrace the innocence, impulsiveness, and irrepressibility of youth.
Year: 2018
Format: fiction feature
Genre: adventure, comedy, drama
Director: Olmo Omerzu
Writer: Petr Pýcha
Director of photography: Lukáš Milota
Cast: Tomáš Mrvík, Jan František Uher, Eliška Křenková
Producer: Endorfilm (CZ)
Co-producers: Punkhart Films (SK), Cvinger Film (SI), Koskino (PL), DI Factory (PL)
Co-financing: Polish Film Institute
Polish distributor: Koskino
International sales: Cercamon
Language: Czech
Length: 1h 25m